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Blood Purification in Toxicology:Reviewing the Evidence and Providing Recommendations
General Recommendation
ECTR would be reasonable in selected cases of severe phenytoin poisoning (3D)
ECTR is suggested if prolonged coma is present or expected (2D)
ECTR would be reasonable if prolonged incapacitating ataxia is present or expected (3D)
We recommend not to perform ECTR solely based on suspected dose of phenytoin ingested (1D)
We recommend not to perform ECTR solely based on serum phenytoin concentration (1D)
Cessation of ECTR is indicated when
Clinical improvement is apparent (1D)
Choice of ECTR
Intermittent hemodialysis is the preferred ECTR in phenytoin poisoning (1D)
Intermittent hemoperfusion is an acceptable alternative if intermittent hemodialysis is not available (1D)
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