Blood Purification in Toxicology:Reviewing the Evidence and Providing Recommendations
Funding and Disclosures
Funding for EXTRIP was obtained from the industry. These contributions are unrestricted educational grants and are solely used to finance: 1) Retrieval and translation of publications, 2) Travel expenses to EXTRIP meetings for every participant, 3) Costs related to venue or conference calls for EXTRIP meetings
All reimbursement claims require presentation of acceptable expenses invoices to the Verdun Hospital Research Fund where financial contributions are deposited.
Furthermore, the EXTRIP workgroup state that:
No member of the funding party is represented in the workgroup.
No honorarium is offered to any participants of the poison panel, the ad-hoc committee or executive committee for any role in the scientific or meeting organization process.
No industry input is permitted in the scientific content, development, and publication of any guideline.
No industry presence is accepted at any meeting.
No industry awareness or comment on the recommendations is allowed.
Sponsors include: Verdun Research Fund ($60,633), Leo Pharma ($40,000), Amgen Canada ($40,000), Janssen-Ortho ($30,000), Fresenius Canada ($20,000), Servier ($3,000).
Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: Thomas D. Nolin reports personal fees from MediBeacon, CytoSorbents, and McGraw-Hill Education outside the submitted work. Marc Ghannoum is a scholar of the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé. Darren Roberts acknowledges support of St. Vincent’s Centre for Applied Medical Research Clinician “Buy-Out” Program. Anitha Vijayan reports consulting functions for NxStage, Astute Medical, and Boehringer-Ingelheim and speaker fees from Sanofi-Aventis. Marlies Ostermann has received speaker honoraria and research funding from Fresenius Medical and Baxter and has had consulting functions for Nxstage and Baxter. All remaining authors have nothing to disclose.